~ Sundrop Crystal ~ Gifts and Gift Boxes ~ Fine Swarovski Crystal Prisms Since 1998

~ Gifts And Gift Boxes ~
A Note About Packaging and Gifts 
Please let us know the Date Your Gift is Needed so we can get it there on time for you. ~ If You Envision Separate Gift Boxes For Each Item, Please Tell Us ~ Otherwise Your Crystals Will Be All Together In One Box (Extra Charge - See Details Below).
~ Gift Boxes ~
If you order one single crystal, it will be gift packaged automatically. If you order multiple crystals and need extra gift boxes, please put a NOTE on your order. We will package the crystals any way you want them. Please see our detailed information below. Extra gift boxes are $1.99 Each. Additional gift boxes must be REQUESTED. We will add the charge for the boxes to your order. Note: There are some items that we DO NOT have gift boxes for, such as (but not limited to) brass ornament stands and windchimes. Thank You! Happy Giving! |
~ Gifts Sent To Yourself ~
All of your orders are packed attractively before being sent to you. However, if you've ordered a gift and are having it sent to yourself, we want to make sure that you receive your order the way you would like to have it.
For example, suppose you've ordered 10 crystals. Normally, we will put all 10 crystals into one box to send them to you. If they're all for you, that's great! But, if you've ordered 2 for a friend and 8 for yourself, you might like the 2 for your friend to be in a separate box. If so, please let us know.
Each crystal is separately wrapped, so you won't know what's inside until you unwrap it. This might drive you crazy if you're looking for something you bought for someone else. Of course, if you plan to open it all anyway, then you're all set. If you would like all or some of the crystals labeled, we can do that. It takes extra time, so please make sure you really need labels before requesting them.
If there's something special you'd like us to do for you, please let us know. We can box each crystal separately if you wish, or box them in groups according to your wishes. There is a charge (each) for separate gift boxes. Please see top of page. Just write directions for us on your order and we'll gladly take care of it for you! Charges will be added to your on-screen order total. Don't worry, we'll be as gentle as possible. |
~ Gifts Sent to Someone Other Than Yourself ~
We are happy to send a gift directly to someone for you. Please place a Separate Order for each gift. Please double check the ADDRESS of the recipient. Gift addresses provided to us are OFTEN wrong, and the package becomes lost. Please give us correct information. When we send out a gift order, we do not include an invoice in the package. The gift is attractively packaged as always, to delight the receiver!
If you wish, we can enclose a colorful printed greeting with your personal gift message. Remember to put the salutation (Dear Mary) and the signature (Love, Aunt Sally) as we don't add to or change your message. Send us your special message, such as "Happy Birthday Janna with Love from Caroline". We will be very glad to write it for you. Just include directions for us on your order. We'll be happy to take care of it! |
~ Additional Charges ~ Credit Cards and PayPal ~
We will add extra charges, like multiple gift boxes, to your credit card. If you provide us with the security code (number on the card back) we appreciate that, as it saves us money. These charges will show up later on your card statement, when we are able to do the charges.
If you have paid for your order with PayPal and there are additional charges for any reason, we will NOT mail your package (despite your deadline) until those extra charges are paid. We are extremely sorry for your inconvenience. Some people forget to pay the extra amount. |
~ All Orders - Deadlines ~ Please Tell Us ~
If you have a DEADLINE when you need to receive your order, or if you're just excited and want to get it soon, please tell us. We are very busy and the people who need their orders by a certain date are taken care of first. We're not slow or lazy, but sometimes we have a lot of orders, or an emergency like a flood, or we are working on a big order for a party, and things might get hectic. If we know you need your order, we will put you at the front of the line. If we do not know about your needed date, we cannot make sure to get it to you by that date! So, please be sure to let us know. We want to please you, that is our only rule! If you need more details, please see our Deadlines and our Ordering Information. Thank you for your help! |
~ All Orders - Deadlines ~ Please Tell Us ~
Thank You and Have a Wonderful Sparkly Rainbow Day!