Your desktop virtual cat Maukie is the fiercest, cutest cat ever to terrorize your mouse pointer. Move your cursor and Maukie will follow. Scratch her head, and she’ll meow. Rub her tummy, and she’ll purr. All the while, she’s breathing in and out, and watch the tail. She may even try to swat the cursor. The creator of this entertaining feline is unknown.
There are a lot of questions about Maukie. Some of the answers are here.
First we need to tell you that WE DID NOT CREATE MAUKIE! We do not know who did!
Q: Can I use Maukie on my own website?
A: Yes you can, we did too! But remember you can’t ask anyone for permission, because it is unknown who the creator of Maukie is. So if one day the owner walks in, and claims the copyright on the cat, it&rsqou;s possible you will have to take it down.
Q: Why can my friend see Maukie on her computer, and I can’t? We both use PC’s with Internet Explorer.
A: It is very likely that your friend installed the Macromedia Flash Player on her computer and you haven't. You can download Macromedia Flash Player
here for free.
Q: I have installed the Macromedia Flash player, but I still can't see Maukie. I am using a Mac and/or a browser different from Internet Explorer.
A: This is because the file is being served as text/plain, when it should be served as application/x-shockwave-flash. (We didn't know this at first; Thanks to the kind people who informed us of this.) However, we can't personally change the settings of our site so that SWF files are automatically recognized as
ShockwaveFlash. The only thing we can do is put the flash file on a webpage, and have this webpage tell your computer that it is a Flash file. So try viewing the Maukie web page instead of the actual maukie.swf file, and see if that helps.
Q: I am so fond of Maukie. Do you have any more art like Maukie?
A: We are sorry to say, but no we haven't. Of course you can Search Google for more Flash Artwork.
Q: I would like to save Maukie to my own files. How can I do that?
A: Here is a link to Maukie. Instead of (left) clicking it to open the page to see Maukie, Right-Click on the word "Here" and choose "Save Target As". Save the file maukie2.swf to your computer files. The file can be opened with Internet Explorer.
Q: What does Maukie's name tag say?
A: Here is an enlargement of the tag. There used to be a website with this name (
Some think Wotch may have been the creator(s) of Maukie.
Q: Who is Anneke Hut?
A: Anneke Hut is a very talented artist with a website who happened to find Maukie and put her on the website. Maukie became so popular that Anneke wrote pages of information to help people all over the world with their questions about Maukie. We are extremely grateful to Anneke for all of her hard work & research! The Maukie pictures on this page were created by the very talented Anneke Hut.